12 Expert Tips for the Best Sleep Ever - The Selfhelp Home

12 Expert Tips for the Best Sleep Ever

The Selfhelp Home has partnered with HealthPRO® Heritage, a leading provider of therapy services, to offer comprehensive rehab services & health education. They have shared the following article 12 Expert Tips for the Best Sleep Ever to educate our residents and community on simple ways to improve sleep quality.
  1. Find your sleep number: First, figure out how many hours of sleep a night will make you feel rested in the morning. You know you’re getting enough sleep if you don’t feel sleepy during the day. Most adults need about 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
  2. Don’t try to make it up: If you aren’t getting enough sleep, you can’t “make it up” by sleeping late on the weekends, for instance. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Sleeping longer on certain nights or frequent napping will only inhibit your ability to get a good night’s rest the following night
  3. Follow a regular schedule…and stick to it: Our bodies need a schedule…a consistent routine. Try to go to bed and get up at about the same time every day, allowing for the amount of rest you calculated, even on weekends. If your bedtime is 10 p.m. during the week, stick to that same time on the weekends.
  4. Minimize naps: Try to nap only when you must. Excessive sleep during the day can keep you from falling and staying asleep at night.
  5. Begin an exercise regimen: Regular physical activity has been shown to improve sleep quality. For best results, finish working out at least three hours before bedtime so your body has time to unwind.
  6. Soak up some sun: Try to get some natural light in the afternoon each day. Just 10 or 15 minutes outside can be beneficial, but remember to wear proper sun protection.
  7. Watch what you eat-Avoid caffeine: Coffee, soft drinks, tea and anything with caffeine should be avoided from the late afternoon on through bedtime. Caffeine may be a great energy booster for you during the day, but in the evening, it can keep you awake or make your sleep restless. If you like to eat before bed, opt for a warm beverage and/or snack.
  8. Cut out alcohol and nicotine: A glass of wine may make you sleepy and help you get to sleep faster, but alcohol often wakes you up after only a couple of hours of sleep. The same goes for smoking. Though smokers often feel like it calms them down, nicotine is a stimulant.
  9. Create a comfortable environment: Being comfortable is a key to good sleep. Light, sounds and interruptions can interfere with slumber. Keep your bedroom dark during sleeping hours (room darkening curtains work wonder.) Reduce noise levels as much as possible. If traffic or noisy neighbors are a problem, to cancel out distracting and jarring sounds, try a bedtime alarm that has “white noise’ settings: waves, rain, bird sounds or whatever background noise you find soothing. Sound Machines allow you to ease into sleep with white noise. Keep your room at a temperature that’s not too hot, and not too cold. Get a comfortable mattress and bedding
  10. Develop a bedtime routine: Do the same things each night to tell your body that it’s time to wind down. Some people watch the evening news, read a book or soak in a warm bath.
  11. Use your bedroom only for sleep: After turning off the light, give yourself about 15 minutes to fall asleep. If you are still awake and not feeling drowsy, get out of bed and do something low key, like reading. When you get sleepy, go back to bed and try again.
  12. Don’t Worry about it: Anxiety over getting good rest can actually prevent you from falling and staying asleep. Some people find that playing mental games helps them nod off. For example, think black – a black cat on a black velvet pillow on a black corduroy sofa in a black room, etc. Or use some of the breathing techniques highlighted to help get you to relax and clear your mind.

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