We are deeply grateful for the following individuals and organizations who generously supported The Selfhelp Home during the month of May.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Hedy Ciocci
Stanley Dreyfuss and Anita Shore
Mary and Russ Alexander Dupre, in memory of Mark Krastof
Tammy Goberstein, in memory of Ruth Raab
Vera Heuberger
Bob & Janey Jakubowich, in memory of Max Sokol
Renee Klass, in memory of Ruth Raab
Lloyd and Sheri Levin, in memory of Ruth Raab
Lawrence Levine, in memory of Helen Levy
Walter S. Mander Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Donna Mayer, in memory of Ruth Raab and Whitney Mayster O’Connell
Linda Molvie, in memory of Ruth Raab
Network For Good
John O’Leary, in memory of Ruth Raab
Stanley Parzen, in memory of Philip Parzen
Ari Rubenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. David & Nancy Schlack, in memory of Ethel Ganbarg
Charles & M.R. Shapiro Foundation, Inc.
Inge Shuman, in memory of Ruth Raab
Barry & Andrea Sidorow, in memory of Marilyn Sklar
Helen Simon
Davey Ann Singer, in memory of Ruth Raab
Merle Glee Snyder
David Sperling
Mayta and Ron Spitz, in memory of Ruth Raab
William and Donna Wittert, in memory of Blanka Frankel
We would also like to thank the following individuals and organizations who have generously helped support our Rooftop Renovation campaign during the month of May.
Anonymous (3)
Ruth Baerman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bass
Marcia Baum
Sharon Bergen
Mr. Phil Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Bernstein
Jean Best
Norman and Sheila Bogen
Beryl Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Coren
Joan Deman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Draganski, in honor of Rolf Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Eggener
Arthur Elstein
Judy Faitek
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Franks
Rose Gordon
Shira & Hampton Gott
Fawn & David Gottlieb
The Greenblatt Family Fund
Ilona A. Hartman
Drs. Sidney Heisler & Sarah Zamari
Vera and Suzanne Heuberger, in memory of Paul Heuberger
Philip Hoffman
Karmin Family Charitable Foundation
Judith Kolb
David Komisar
Howard and Glenda Kravitz
Ms. Suzanne Krill
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Lewin
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Loewenthal
Mike Magliane
Mrs. Margot Marx
Rachel Mather, in memory of Payah Prochovnick
Stephen Nechtow
Franklin Nussbaum
Pamela Pearl
Jackie Rafii and Lev Gottlieb
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Reich
Janice Rockin
Lyn Rosen
Joni Schaum
Leo Schlosberg
Charles and Faye Schulz
Abraham Stern
Jerome & Gail Taxy
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Tuber
Susan Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Weinberg, in honor of Harold and Marrianne Weinberg
Carol & Jerrold Zar, in memory of Marga Bachenheimer