
Another Year Completed of Art & Inspiration with the 5th graders at BZAEDS

This month, we finished up another year of working with the 5th graders at Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School (BZAEDS). This year, our annual intergenerational program with the school focused on the artist Marc Chaggal, and the various themes around his artwork.

Together, The Selfhelp Home residents and BZARDS students  explored topics around love, music, family, faith and more.  We worked together to create two permanent installations, one to be displayed in each facility. The paintings were made together and reflect the year’s conversations, stories and dreams as residents and students got to know one another.

The inter-generational program is facilitated by Fabiana Glazer, founder of GoldMind Arts. Throughout the school year the students from the 5th grade class visit with residents at Selfhelp and work on a project. The goal was to create a work of art through meaningful discussions about love, music, family and faith.  “We brought these two generations together and put them to work towards a meaningful work of art that facilitated conversation – and in the end we have a piece of art we can all feel proud of,” Glazer said.

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