
Welcome, Nia Wilkinson! Our New Art Therapy Intern

Welcome, Nia Wilkinson!
Art Therapy Intern from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Where did you grow up?
I was born in Chicago, and then I moved to London when I was three through age 14. I then moved back to Chicago, and also lived for 9 years in Los Angeles.  I’ve been back in Chicago for three years now.

What are your favorite ways of creating art?
If I am making art to display in a space like a gallery, I like to create installations where I change the floors, ceilings and walls so that it’s like you’re stepping into a whole new world or into one of my paintings. Usually I’ll do a performance in that space at some point. My artwork explores identity, ancient mythologies, and social experimentation. At home, I enjoy creating projects where there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to do it and the result is a surprise. This encourages me to relinquish control and go with the flow of the creative process. I am hoping to do some of those projects in our group sessions here at Selfhelp.

What made you decide to become an art therapist?
I first went to school for psychology but I was not entirely happy and felt something was missing. I then went to school for fine art and although it was fun, I still felt that something was missing. I did not want to create art for the sake of the spectator. I was lucky and had a therapist when I was younger who helped me through some extremely difficult times. If I can help even one person the way that she helped me, I will be content. I find the artmaking process very soothing and making art with others creates a natural setting for open communication.

What are some of your hobbies?
I enjoy making art of course, reading, gardening, history, science, and most of all travelling to new places around the world and experiencing new cultures.

What are you most looking forward to about your time at Selfhelp home?
I’m looking forward to listening to all of the wonderful things that the residents have to share. I want to hear about their lives and learn as much as I can about and from them.

What is your favorite book?
This is a very hard question to answer – but I’m going to have to say the ‘Harry Potter’ series because it still brings me to the feelings of comfort that it did when I was a child.

What is your favorite movie?
Anything directed by Tim Burton. I especially love ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas.’

What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?
I am the oldest of six children with a large age difference between me and the next so I was more of a parent figure to all of them growing up and I love them all so much! 

At The Selfhelp Home we are dedicated to reaching out to the arts community – such as the School of the Art Institute of Chicago – to contribute to enhancing the lives of our residents. To learn more about us, please visit us online or contact us directly.

Online: SelfHelpHome.org
Phone: 773.271.0300
Email: [email protected]
