Celebrating our April Donors - The-Selfhelp-Home

Celebrating our April Donors

We couldn’t be more grateful for our community’s support! Thank you to the following individuals, families and organizations who donated to The Selfhelp Home during April of 2023. We appreciate your generosity…


Cathy and Stuart Pockross, In honor of Little Richie Eggener

Evelyn Vogel, In honor of the Selfhelp staff

Ben and Gerrie Lewin

Lore Eisenstaedt

Rod Loewenthal

Edith Feldman

Family of Florence Kemp, In Memory of Florence Kemp

Jerry Wolf SPRING 2023, In Memory of Trey Chai Levy

Stanley Parzen

Henry Lorsch

Nancy Katz, In honor of Sofia and Jonathan for Passover Seder

Melvin Loeb

D.M. Fried

Richard Eggener

Irma Olmedo, In Memory of Robert Williams

Dale Reiss

Philip J. Lyons

Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch, In Memory of Trey Chai Levy

Halloran Masonry, Inc

Patrick Halloran

Ruth Kaan

Deanne Turim

Stanley Dreyfuss

Harlene Ellin

Suzanne Krill

Chaya Roth

Josh Kornbluth, In Memory of Bernice Selden

Margaret Sheridan

Paula Golden

Terri and Howard Schneider

Nancy Katz, In Memory of Grandparents for Annual Passover Seder

Raymond Bass

Unity Hospice and Palliative Care

Jerry Wolf

Joel Goldstein

Marjorie Dubrow

Neal H. and Laurie K. Price

Jim Gimpel and Jo Reizner

Stephen Nechtow

David Lipschultz

Marc Platt

Gary Wolinsky

Midwest Mechanical

Estate of Edith Buntman

Daniel Franks

Lauren Elkin

Cindy Wolfson

Suzanne Griffel

Donald Draganski

Mark Bacharach, In Memory of Leah Liss and Paul Corwin

Jeff Rothman

Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation

Steven Baruch

Marcia Baum

Rudy Lubov

Susan Besson

Brad and Allison Schneider

Lewis Greenblatt

Dr. Iris Aronson

Show Your Support This Spring

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