We would like to thank the following individuals, families and organizations who provided financial support for The Selfhelp Home during the month of August. We are deeply grateful for each of you and your generosity.
Amy Brandfonbrener and M Trout Family Fund
Beaty Harris, In Honor of Jerry Wolf
Deborah Spector, In Memory of Helene Sperling
Halloran Masonry, Inc
Hedy and Peter Ciocci, In Honor of Alice Fink’s Birthday
Judith Kolb
Leslie Schroeder and Laura Zellhofer
Lucille Wolf
Myron Becker
Patricia Kay
Phyllis Toback
Rich Eggener
Ronnie Kaufman
Ruth Kaan
Stanley Dreyfuss
Susi Annes
Trude Schnitzer, In Memory of Arthur and Else Schnitzer
Walter S. Mander Foundation