Celebrating our June Donors

Celebrating our June Donors

We couldn’t be more grateful for our community’s support! Thank you to the following individuals, families and organizations who donated to The Selfhelp Home during June of 2023. We appreciate your generosity…


Andrea Platt

Anna Kahn, In memory of Ellen Heimann

Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch

Brett Barbakoff, In memory of Sybelle Heilbrunn

Daniel Gordon, In memory of Sybelle Heilbrunn

David and Bonita Turner

David Katz

Don Davidson

Ellen Stone

Harlene Ellin and Mike Cramer, In honor of Beth Ida Stern

Harold and Susan Geisel, In memory of Ellen Heimann

Harry Rosenberg

Hedy and Peter Ciocci, In memory of Ellen Heimann

Heerey Foundation

James Swartchild

James Synchef

Jerry Silbert

Jessica Katz, In memory of Ellen Heimann

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Joan Barbakoff and Robin Gordon, In memory of Sybelle Heilbrunn

Joshua Seeger

Judith Kolb

Judith Parker, In memory of Konrad Parker

Leading Age

Mari Greenberger, In honor of Gerry Franks

Mark Tausig and Betty Groner

Martha Loewenthal, In memory of Jeffrey Rich

Martin Lieberman

Myron Becker

Nancy Katz, In memory of Mary Lou Brennan

Ora Prochovnick

Paul Saiger

Peggy Gelman, In memory of Howard Weiss

Rosalie Isaacson

Samuel Weinstein Family Foundation

Stephen and Leatrice Sandler

Steven Lavenda

Susan Kadar, In memory of Ellen Heimann

Susan McGury

Susan Tenenbaum

Suzanne Griffel and Saul Weiner

Todd Heilbrunn, In memory of Sybelle Heilbrunn

Turi Ryder Adams, In honor of Martha and Steve Loewenthal

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The Selfhelp Home
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