Celebrating our June Donors - The Selfhelp Home

Celebrating our June Donors

We would like to thank the following individuals, families and organizations who provided financial support for The Selfhelp Home during the month of June. We are deeply grateful for each of you and your generosity.


Andrea & Barry Sidorow, In Memory of Marilyn Sklar

Anna Kahn, In Memory of Arielle Lewis’ Mom

Armin & Esther Hirsch Foundation

Barbara Snower

Caryl & Steven Steinberg, In Memory of Charlene & Marshall Lavin & Rabbi Norbert Samuelson

Daniel Schwab

David Komisar

Doris Fried

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Vender

Dr. Raphael A Juss

Edith Feldmann

Ethan Bensinger

Feldman Family Charitable Fund

Gelbort Family Fund

Halloran Masonry, Inc

Harvey & Rita Weinberg, In Memory of Harold & Marianne Weinberg

Henry Rosenbaum, In Memory of Lore Rosenbaum & Charlotte Heinrich

Howard Gilbert

James Synchef, In Memory of Sanford Bank

Joan Rossi

John Hirsch

Judy Faitek

Karmin Family Charitable Foundation

Lore Eisenstaedt

Margie Marcus

Mark Bacharach

Mark Burin

Mark Tausig

Michael Perlstein

Mr & Mrs Charles Bernstein

Mr & Mrs Jerry Stock

Mr & Mrs Lewis Josephs

Mr & Mrs Neal Seltzer

Mr & Mrs Neil Rosenberg

Mr & Mrs Paul Kovac

Mr & Mrs Steve & Lois Eisen

Ora Prochovnick

Phyllis Toback, In Honor of Fern Shaffer

Rabbi Ralph & Mrs Evelyn Ruebner

Rachel Rosenberg

Raymond & Marcia Bass, In Honor of Richard Eggener’s Birthday

Reiss/King Family Fund

Rod & Tracy Loewenthal Charitable Trust-Jewish Federation of Metro Chicago

Ronne Kaufman, In Honor of Rich Eggener

Sally Nusinson

Schloss Family Fund-Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, In Memory of Bertha Strauss

Sharon & Hal Bergen

Shira Hampton, In Honor of Bob Cohen

Stanley Dreyfuss

Steve Nechtow

Suzanne Heuberger, In Memory of Arielle Lewis’ Mom

Suzanne Pritzker, In Honor of the Anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Pritzker

Sylvia G Gordon Philanthropic Fund-Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, In Honor of Michael Perlstein

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