Celebrating our March Donors - The Selfhelp Home

Celebrating our March Donors

We would like to thank the following individuals, families and organizations who provided financial support for The Selfhelp Home during the month of March. We are deeply grateful for each of you and your generosity.


Drew Block, In Memory of Marcia Petlin-Fowler

Hugh R Block, In Memory of Marcia Petlin-Fowler

Larry Block

Jeanie Bress

Bev & Shelly Copeland, In Memory of Marcia Petlin-Fowler

Stanley Dreyfuss

Peggy Gelman

Andrea Groobman

Halloran Masonry Inc.

Austin Hirsch

Maya Hobscheid, In Memory of Lewis Asher

Deborah Hoffman

Marc Hork

Bob & Janey Jakubowich

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Anna Kahn

Barbara Kaufmann

Jorge Kurganoff, In Honor of The Selfhelp Home Staff

Barry Lamden

David Levene

Carl Levitt

Steven Loewenthal, In Honor of Fern Shaffer

Gloria Marcus

Bruce Nedwin, In Memory of Lewis Asher

Stanley Pollock

Pomeranz-Brodsky Family, In Memory of Mollie Antler

Chaya Roth

Debbie Rotondo, In Memory of Stewart Bailenson

Helane Shifrin, In Memory of Mollie Antler

Barry & Andrea Sidorow

Lynne Sobel, In Memory of Lewis Asher

David Sperling

Les Stern

Steve Szarvas, In Memory of Marcia Petlin-Fowler

Phyllis Toback, In Honor of Fern Shaffer

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