Celebrating our May Donors

Celebrating our May Donors

We couldn’t be more grateful for our community’s support! Thank you to the following individuals, families and organizations who donated to The Selfhelp Home during May of 2023. We appreciate your generosity…


Alisha Greenspon, In honor of Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s birthday

Anne and Keith Moffat


Carl Nahm

Charles and Roberta Bernstein

Chuck and Sylvia Meyers

Dan Wolf

David Sperling, In Memory of Margo Hertz

Doris Wolff

Esther Schwartz

Geraldine Lewin

Geraldine Lewin, In Memory of Joseph Kirk

Gofen and Glossberg, LLC

Halloran Masonry, Inc

James Kach

James Synchef

Jay Goodgold

Jean Emeson

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Joel Brosk

John Miller

Judith Parker

Judith Wolf

Leading Age

Marion Golding, In Honor of Marilyn Zeal’s birthday

Mark Bacharach

Nancy Schlack, In Memory of Ethel Ganbarg

Nate Hartmann

Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program

Patrick Halloran

Patrick Kenneally

Rachel and Neal Seltzer

Ronald Weil

Schloss Family Fund

Sidney and Rita Mathias, In Honor of Susan and Rich Eggener

Steven and Nancy Schwab

Suzanne Griffel

Thomas Smolinski

Vera Heuberger

Show Your Support This Season

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