Celebrating Our January Donors 2022 - The Selfhelp Home

Celebrating Our January Donors

We would like to thank the following individuals, families and organizations who provided financial support for The Selfhelp Home during the month of January. We are deeply grateful for each of you and your generosity.

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis & Jackie Aron

Sue Blake

Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Hedy Ciocci, in memory of Edith Sternfeld

The Dementia Society

Bill Dolnick, in memory of Joseph Katz

Stanley Dreyfuss and Anita Shore

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Eisner

Judy Faitek

Paula and Bruce Fischer, in memory of Joseph Katz

Donna Fishman, in memory of Leni Weil

James and Beverly Flynn

Mr. Werner Frank

Mr. & Ms. Peter and Anne Glaser, in memory of Leni Weil

Joel Goldstein

Phyllis Goldstein, in memory of Joseph Katz

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Golinkin, in memory of Robert Goldberg

Sylvia G. Gordon

Ron & Alisha Greenspon

Greenthal Fink, in memory of Leni Weil

Ellen Hayes

Mr. & Ms. Jerry Herst and Julie Dorfman, in memory of Joseph Katz

Austin Hirsch & Beth Gomberg Hirsch, in memory of Leni Weil

Joanne Kalnitz, in memory of Joseph Katz

Yvonne Kant, in memory of Edith Sternfeld

Mrs. Esther Katz, in memory of Joseph Katz

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Lancer

Eva Lichtenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Loewenthal, in memory of Leni Weil

Cathy Marko, in memory of Joseph Katz

Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Donna Mayer, in memory of Joseph Katz and Linda Lurie

Network for Good

Frances Peshkin

Mr. & Mrs. David Reich, in memory of Edith Sternfeld

Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Reich, in memory of Edith Sternfeld

Laurie & Phil Rubin, in memory of Edith Sternfeld

Janice and Jay Sackett, in memory of Joseph Katz

Barry & Andrea Sidorow, in memory of Marilyn & Mitch Sklar

Helen Skeist

Maida Snapper, in memory of Max & Alice Gimpel

David Sperling

Mr. & Mrs. Les Stern, in memory of Leni Weil

Beth Tikvah Congregation

Jerome & Gail Taxy

Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Weinberg, in memory of Francisco Herrera

Celia Wilk, in memory of Leni Weil

Robert Wilkin, in memory of Leni Weil

William and Donna Wittert

Jerry & Jan Wolf

Carol & Jerrold Zar

The Selfhelp Home
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