Dog Days of Summer - The Selfhelp Home

Dog Days of Summer: Lev’s Tail-Wagging Dog Treats

A Young Volunteer Donates Homemade Dog Treats to The Selfhelp Home…
Last month, a young volunteer named Lev D. dropped off some homemade dog treats at our front desk. He knows that families and staff members often bring their dogs to visit, and wanted their dogs to have some of his special treats. How thoughtful!
Lev had his bar mitzvah on May 21, 2022. Learn more about his passion for dog treats from Lev’s bar mitzvah speech:
“I am passionate about baking dog treats! It started in August 2020 when it was my aunt’s dog’s birthday. I baked him a cake. From there, I moved on to treats. In the span of six months, I had given homemade treats to my relatives’ dogs all across the U.S, neighbors’ dogs, classmates’ dogs, and dogs owned by my parents’ colleagues. After I could not find any dogs who hadn’t tried my treats, it became a tradition to go with my dad to a new dog park every week and pass out the ‘pawsome’ treats.
Throughout the process, I have kept a sheet of paper, on which I write the names of the dogs that have tried my treats, along with a tally for the number. I then started going to animal shelters across Illinois spreading my homemade treats to dogs who needed some love. Currently, over 1,600 dogs have tasted and loved my treats. This was all done in the name of Lev’s Tail-Wagging Treats. I am extremely passionate about baking dog treats because it lets me connect with dogs. I do not have a dog since my mom is allergic.”
Thank you for thinking of The Selfhelp Home, Lev. We are excited to share your dog treats with the many furry friends that visit our home!
Do you know a young person becoming a bar/bat mitzvah? Tell them about the Mitzvah Mensches program at The Selfhelp Home! We offer the opportunity for young people to carry out a meaningful mitzvah project at our home.
More about Mitzvah Mensches
A mitzvah project can be the highlight of the special milestone of becoming a bar/bat mitzvah. Learn about yourself while making a difference in somebody’s life. There are many ways to connect with The Selfhelp Home through Tikkun Olam (helping to repair the world). Becoming a Mitzvah Mensch looks different for each mensch, depending on your interests and goals. Looking for project suggestions?

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