We couldn’t be more grateful for our community’s support! Thank you to the following individuals, families and organizations who donated to The Selfhelp Home during March of 2023. We appreciate your generosity…
Jack Bierig
Leo Schlosberg
Michael Perlstein
Brad and Allison Schneider
Steve and Martha Loewenthal
Ethan Bensinger
Barbara Kaufmann, In Memory of Lorie Pelz
Suzanne Griffel
Achieve Accreditation, LLC
Peter and Hedy Ciocci, In Honor of the Lowenthal Group at UBS
Thomas Samolinski
Marion Golding
Alliant Insurance Services, Inc
Joan Sophie
Michael Perlstein, In Memory of Steven Rotfeld
Sylvia Gordon
Rose Gordon
Phyllis Jaffe
Raphael Juss
Jewish Federation of Metro Chicago
Steven Safran
Judity Fox
Seco Refrigeration
Harvey Weinberg
Elizabeth Wolf
Nancy Schlack, In Memory of Louis Ganbarg
Halloran Masonry
Stuart Channon
Jewish Federation of Metro Chicago
Esther Katz, In Appreciation of Selfhelp Staff
Testa Produce
Karen Scotese
Tina Herpe
Joan Rossi
Cecilie Ries
Debra and Stewart Reich
Herman and Jay Nussbaum
Ruth Fischer
Eugene Frank
Karen Haugen Woolen
David Komisar
Suzanne Griffel
Geraldine Lewin, In Memory of Bruce Balonick
Phyllis Toback
Peggy Unell
Howard Kravitz
James Syncheff
Judith Harelik
Larry Brenner
Thomas Bland
Mike Magliane
Jeffrey Messerer
Sidney Heisler
Bonnie and Jerry Stock
Michael Fleischhacker
Peter Glaser