Holiday Recipes from Our Home: Sofia's Turkey Breast - The Selfhelp Home

Holiday Recipes from Our Home: Sofia’s Turkey Breast

Selfhelp’s Director of Dining, Sofia Metovic, CDM, CFPP, shares her delicious turkey breast recipe just in time for your Thanksgiving meal…
This tasty dish is often made for the residents of The Selfhelp Home throughout the year. Fun fact: The Selfhelp Home gives every staff member and their family a turkey dinner package that includes a turkey breast, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries and an apple pie. This is our way of showing gratitude for our team on Thanksgiving!
  • Turkey breast with skin
  • Fresh garlic
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons paprika
  1. Slice up garlic and mix it with a cup of mayonnaise and two tablespoons of paprika. Rub it all over the turkey breast.
  2. Stick the leftover garlic pieces under the skin.
  3. Put it in the oven for 45-60 minutes. Use a thermometer to check if it’s cooked.
  4. Take off the skin and slice the turkey around the bones (follow the bone pattern).
More About Sofia…

Sofia’s warmth and hospitality are part of the fabric of The Selfhelp Home. Pass her by in the hallways, and she may hand you a taste of a new pastry or invite you to stay for lunch. Sofia began at Selfhelp 30 years ago as an entry-level dietary aid. Her strong work ethic and dedication to Selfhelp drove her to the top. Today, she oversees our dining program, including 40 employees and 700 meals per day. Sofie and her team take great pride in preparing flavorful and traditional homemade kosher meals and providing excellent customer service.

“This is a home away from home for me. I feel that I am a part of something where I can make a difference!”

Enjoy! The Selfhelp Home Wishes You a Happy Thanksgiving!

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