Making the Most of Time with Your Loved Ones During Outdoor Visits - The Selfhelp Home

Making the Most of Time with Your Loved Ones During Outdoor Visits

The Selfhelp Home’s family support group has been meeting every other week on Zoom since the end of August. Family members provide tips, ideas and support to one another as we all navigate this difficult time of separation from our loved ones. At a recent support group meeting, family members discussed ways in which to engage their loved ones and show love during socially distanced visits or on Zoom.
Here are some of their ideas:
  • Bring your loved one’s favorite food as a way to show love and care. Though the resident won’t be able to eat it during the visit, he or she will be able to enjoy it later in the day!
  • Reminisce about all the places your loved one has lived. Can he or she describe an old house or apartment? How many rooms did it have? What was the layout? What is his or her favorite place he/she has lived?
  • Talk about favorites: What’s your loved one’s favorite food? Type of smoothie or ice cream? Favorite author? Favorite news station? Maybe you’ll find something in common that you didn’t already know!
  • Reminisce about trips your loved one has taken. What did he or she enjoy about the trip? Would she/he go back? Where would he or she like to go now?
  • Play “Would You Rather?” It can be fun to come up with outlandish questions- Would you rather jump out of an airplane or descend into the ocean in a submarine? Would you rather eat chicken feet or crickets? Would you rather only have one book to read for the rest of your live or only one song to listen to for the rest of your life? Then talk about why!
  • Play “Family Trivia”. What was the name of your loved one’s third grade teacher? What play was your daughter in in high school? What was your loved one’s mother’s favorite color? Have your loved one ask you family trivia questions. This can be a fun way to reminisce together.
Feel free to send in more suggestions for ways to engage and show love during this time!
Making the Most of Time with Your Loved Ones During Outdoor Visits - The Selfhelp Home
Making the Most of Time with Your Loved Ones During Outdoor Visits - The Selfhelp Home
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