
Raise The Rooftop

Spring is fully in bloom here in Chicago. With that comes a renewed sense of hope and rebirth, fresh starts, and a coming alive of nature. Beautiful flowers, blue skies, fluffy white clouds, and crisp fresh air are all tonics for one’s soul. And yet, our beloved, award-winning rooftop space is greatly in need of repair, new decking, a new pergola, more comfortable furniture, and an updated garden.

It is time to return our rooftop garden back to its former glory, giving residents much needed outdoor space to fully enjoy once again.

Our goal is to raise $180,000 for this endeavor. This will only be possible with your generous support. Please help us make our garden grow by making your tax-deductible donation today.

Donate Online Below:

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To make a gift by check, please mail to:

The Selfhelp Home
908 W. Argyle
Chicago, IL 60640
Federal Tax ID #36-2210002

To make a gift of stocks/securities

Appreciated securities are perhaps the most cost-effective assets to use in making a gift. When you transfer ownership of long-term holdings to The Selfhelp Home, you receive a charitable deduction for their full market value — and you incur no capital gains tax (subject to IRS deduction limits). According to IRS regulations, the date of your gift corresponds to the date we receive the transfer.

Please alert us in advance about the stock and number of shares you plan to give. You can do so by e-mailing info@selfhelphome.org. If you need to speak to someone 24/7, you can call SCHWAB ALLIANCE @ 800-515-2157 (24/7) with any questions.

Below is the information you will need to transfer stock to The Selfhelp Home.

Account Name: Selfhelp Foundation
Account Number: 5681-6783

DTC Number: 0164

Tax ID Number: 36-4038810
Trailer: Donors Name and Zip Code

For more information regarding other planned gifts contact us at info@selfhelphome.org

The Selfhelp Home
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