Rehab Rock Star: Bill's Hip Replacement Recovery at Selfhelp - The Selfhelp Home

Rehab Rock Star: Bill’s Hip Replacement Recovery at Selfhelp

Hip Replacement Recovery at The Selfhelp Home

Bill E. is a construction lawyer from upstate New York. He grew up in a place where “there were more cows than people”. After law school in Massachusetts, he worked at a few different firms until he decided to take the risk and start his own law firm in Chicago – the city he has called home ever since.

Aside from law, Bill has a love for the game of basketball. He played at the collegiate level and even a few years in the NBA! The wear and tear on his body from decades of playing on hardwood, asphalt, and concrete caught up to him when his hip started giving him problems.

There were many scary moments when Bill said he would be walking just fine and suddenly his hip would give out and he’d fall to the ground. His journey to recovery prior to becoming a patient at The Selfhelp Home has been a long one. Before coming to our home for short-term rehabilitation post surgery, Bill had already undergone four hip replacements. When it was clear he needed a fifth hip surgery, he decided something needed to change this time around.

Fortunately, Bill has family and friends in the medical field who were able to point him in the right direction for the best possible care. Bill’s significant other, Sheila, has a brother in the spinal surgery field that recommended renowned orthopedic surgeon Dr. Henry Finn from Weiss Memorial Hospital to operate on his hip. Based on her research, Sheila also recommended that Bill complete his recovery at The Health and Rehabilitation Center at Selfhelp.

This time around with a new surgeon and rehab plan, Bill’s site’s were set on making significant progress! This is actually his first experience recovering in a live-in rehabilitation facility and he has only great things to say about it. After previous surgeries, Bill had to frequently drive to his physical therapy facility. For someone with a bad hip and recovering from surgery, getting in and out of cars constantly was painful and not ideal. Bill appreciates his situation at The Selfhelp Home because he can focus all his energy on making sure his hip heals and recovers, without any outside distractions. This has led to a significant improvement in Bill’s hip stability, despite only having been a patient here for a few weeks.

When Bill isn’t doing exercises and physical therapy, he still finds time to run his law firm remotely while staying at The Selfhelp Home. Talk about dedication! He likes to joke around with the staff, but appreciates that they can be nice and friendly while also keeping him goal-driven and focused on getting better.

Bill on his experience at Selfhelp:

“I’m not glad that I broke my hip, but I’m glad that I had the opportunity and the privilege to try to get it squared away here. Everyone here has been great, especially the staff. I can’t say enough about the staff.”

After his short-term rehabilitation is complete, Bill said the thing he is most excited about is to be with his family again. He has 3 adult children and is a proud grandfather of two. He says he looks forward to being reunited with them: “The incredible staff at The Selfhelp Home are bringing me closer to that goal every day!”

Click Here for More Information About Post-Surgery Recovery at The Health & Rehabilitation Center at The Selfhelp Home.
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Rehab Rock Star: Bill's Hip Replacement Recovery at Selfhelp - The Selfhelp Home

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