Summer Bash Events - The Selfhelp Home

Selfhelp’s Summer Bash Event Schedule!

You are invited to join us for summer fun! Check out Selfhelp’s rooftop Summer Bash Event Schedule. Please invite your friends and family to any of the following celebrations…

4th Of July - The Selfhelp Home

4th of July Celebration!

Thursday, July 4, 2019 at 7:00pm

Let’s Celebrate in Red, White and Blue! A special performance on the roof by The Adams Jazz Trio while we wait for the sun to set, followed by a fireworks show at dusk. Invite friends and family! We’ll be serving up a classic Chicago style picnic on the roof: Hamburgers, hot dogs and everything in between!

Luau on the Roof - The Selfhelp Home

Luau Party on the Roof!

Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 6:30pm

Come to the roof garden in your best Hawaiian outfit and enjoy a live performance by the Royale Polynesian Revue while we sip on tropical drinks. Friends & family are welcome!

Alex Kaufman Trio, Brazilian Music - The Selfhelp Home

A Taste of Carnivale Summer Bash – In Honor Of Our Volunteers & Donors

Sunday, August 4th, 2019 at 5:30pm – 8:30pm

Join us for cocktails, buffet and mellow Brazilian jazz on our beautiful rooftop terrace. Families and dancing shoes welcomed and encouraged! We are honoring those in our community that make The Selfhelp Home so special. Enjoy the music of Luciano Antonio Trio featuring Alex Koffman – A Brazilian Carnivale Experience.

Brazilian music from Bossa Nova to Brazilian Jazz to Samba. Featuring Alex Koffman, violin (from the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band) and Geraldo de Oliveria.

Please RSVP to invite@selfhelphome.org or see the front desk.

Community Shabbat!

Friday, August 30th, 2019 at 7:00pm

Services followed by an Oneg Shabbat. Enjoy Friday night services on the roof while you take in the cool summer breeze and spectacular views of the City. Family and friends welcome, an Oneg Shabbat will follow the service.

Please RSVP to invite@selfhelphome.org or see the front desk.

The Selfhelp Home is located at 908 W Argyle St, Chicago, IL 60640
Questions? Call (773) 694-3206 or Email info@selfhelphome.org

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