Selfhelp's Social Hall Renovations Include New Hearing Loops Assistive Technology - the selfhelp home

Social Hall Renovations Include New Hearing Loops Assistive Technology

The Selfhelp Home is excited about the installation of state-of-the-art assistive technology, Hearing Loops, in our Social Hall. Learn about this incredible new component to our Social Hall renovations…
What Are Hearing Loops and How Do They Work?

Brought to us by Thunder Hearing & Sound, LLC, hearing loop technology, sometimes known as an audio induction loop systems, audio-frequency induction loops or hearing loops, are an assistive listening technology for individuals with reduced ranges of hearing.

For people with hearing loss, now concerts and lectures in our Social Hall will sound crisp and clear! A hearing loop magnetically transfers microphone or TV sound signal to hearing aids and cochlear implants that have an inexpensive “telecoil” receiver.

This transforms the instruments into in-the-ear speakers that deliver sound customized for one’s own hearing loss. This can also serve those without hearing aids with a headset that we will have on hand. We look forward to watching our residents enjoy concerts and special presentations in a new, crisp way…feeling more connected than ever!

More About Thunder Hearing & Sound, LLC

Their mission is to change the lives of all people by providing clear sound in any environment. Our success will mean a world in which all people hear clearly, and no one feels disconnected because of hearing impairment.

“We are committed to Universal Hearing, or the concept that all people, regardless of their level of impairment, have the right to barrier-free, clear sound and enjoyment of speech, music, and the sound creation of others, no matter the acoustic environment. We achieve this mission with the use of technology and design approaches that ensure the highest quality sound with the lowest burden of use. Our success will be achieved when no one, whether they have “normal” hearing or not, feels disconnected from human communication or interaction due to poor sound quality or an unreasonable burden of access.”

Selfhelp's Social Hall Renovations Include New Hearing Loops Assistive Technology - the selfhelp home
Selfhelp's Social Hall Renovations Include New Hearing Loops Assistive Technology - the selfhelp home

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