With Gratitude for Our January Donors - The Selfhelp Home

With Gratitude for Our January Donors

We are deeply grateful for the following individuals and organizations who generously supported The Selfhelp Home during the month of January.

Rabbi & Mrs. Danny Azulay

Mark Burin

Joanie and Roger Craton, In memory of Helen Levy

Connie & Peter Dickinson, In memory of Helen Levy

Nina Diamond

Valerie Foradas, In memory of Helen Levy

Stanley Dreyfuss and Anita Shore

Trischa Duke

Barry & Andrea Sidorow, In memory of Marilyn Sklar

Wendy Eager

Cathy Fefer

Mr. & Ms. Peter and Anne Glaser, In memory of Helen Levy

Mr. & Mrs. Werner Frank

Mr. & Mrs. Cass Friedberg

Philip Friedmann Family Charitable Trust

Madelon Fross

Allen Gimpel

Erica and David Jaffe, In memory of Helen Levy

Joel Goldstein

Mark & Robin Gordon

Dawn Guerra

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Loewenthal, In memory of Helen Levy

Larry Kane

Ann Cole, In memory of Helen Levy

Judith Mendel and Jorge Kurganoff

Sara Kurganoff

Anne Lewis

Mary Morton, In memory of Helen Levy

Bruce Mainzer and Beth Shadur

Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Donna Mayer

Elaine Moor

Barry and Irene Sufrin, In memory of Irene Diament

Carl Nahm

Karen Perlmuter

Pfizer Annual Giving Campaign

Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Joanne Roberts

Beverly Rowls

David Salm

Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Sandow

Stephen Sanger

Esther Joy Schwartz

Maida Snapper, In memory of Max Gimpel

Elaine Moor, In memory of Rosalyn Spector

Nancy Sonnabend

Toby Sonneman

Hilde Staniulis

Caryl & Steven Steinberg

Dr. Mark Stern

Bonnie Stock

Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Weinberg, In memory of Joseph Bengston

Judith Thomas

Jeanette R. Uhlmann

Julia Dupre-Krastof, In memory of Dr. Julius Solomon

Saul Weiner

Elizabeth Wolf

Carol & Jerrold Zar

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