We couldn’t be more grateful for our community’s support! Thank you to the following individuals, families and organizations who donated to The Selfhelp Home during July of 2023. We appreciate your generosity…
Alfred and Terri D’Ancona
Amy Brandfonbrener and M. Trout Family Fund
Anne Hertzberg, In Memory of William Kaplan
Benjamin Gordon, In memory of Sybelle Heilbrunn
Bonnie and Herb Horn
Carrie Barbakoff, In memory of Sybelle Heilbrunn
Craig Tuber
David Salm
Debra Durchslag and Craig Zarley
Donna and Dave Talman, In Memory of William Kaplan
Edward and Ellen Bakal
Franlin Nussbaum
Geraldine Lewin, In Memory of Paul Melling
Halloran Masonry, Inc
Harry Oppenheimer
Ira and Marie Goodkin, In Memory of William Kaplan
James Syncheff, In Memory of Renee Bank
Jean and John O’Leary
John Bakalar
Joni Schaum, In Memory of Ellen Heimann and Sybelle Heilbrun
Judith Harelik
Judith Parker, In Memory of Konrad Parker
Laurel and Steve Waxman, In Memory of William Kaplan
Lawrence Field
Lee and Cheryl Sachnoff
Leonard and Marie Siegel, In Memory of Ellen Heimann
Linda Forst, In Memory of William Kaplan
Martha Hertzberg, In Memory of William Kaplan
Nicole Kane
Norman Harelik
Patrick Halloran
Ross Heilbrunn, In memory of Sybelle Heilbrunn
Samuel Dorevitch
Suzanne Griffel
The Albert and Lucille Delighter and Marcella Winston Foundation
The Sephardic Home for the Aged Foundation, Inc.
Walter and Karla Goldschmidt Foundation
William and Donaa Wittert