
Celebrating Our February 2024 Donors

We are grateful for our community’s support!
Thank you to the following individuals, families and organizations who donated to The Selfhelp Home during February of 2024.
We appreciate your generosity…

Stephen and Randi Goldberg
Saul Weiner and Suzanne Griffel
Mark Loewenstein In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th wedding anniversary
Liza Steinfeld
Arlene Colosimo Achieve Accreditation, LLC
Herbert Horn In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th wedding anniversary
Paula Kramer
Esther Katz In honor of Tom Samolinski and Melissa Harrington
Nancy Katz In memory of beloved Esther and Joe Burdman who provided Seders for years in Kirksville, Missouri. Their memories will forever serve as a blessing.
Irwin Saltz In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th wedding anniversary
Jewish United Fund
Ben and Gerrie   Lewin In memory of Roger Berman
Stephen and Mindy Miller In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th wedding anniversary
Steven and Martha Loewenthal In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th wedding anniversary
Bradley and Allison Schneider
Steven and Caryl Steinberg In loving memory of our mother, Charlene N. Lavin, on her yahrzheit
Judith Parker
Peter and Hedy Ciocci In honor of Steve Bacharach and Ernie Heiman
Beth Ida Stern

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