
Celebrating Our January Donors

We are grateful for our community’s support!
Thank you to the following individuals, families and organizations who donated to The Selfhelp Home during January of 2024.
We appreciate your generosity…
Dennis Aron
Phillip Austin, In memory of Bill Kaplan
Ruth Baerman
Ethan and Elizabeth Bensinger, In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th anniversary
Peter and Hedy Ciocci, In honor of Steve Bacharach and Ernie Heiman
John Colombo, In memory of Patricia Carole Rossi
James Denton
Anita Shore and Stanley Dreyfuss
Norman Escoz, In memory of Greta Eskoz
Douglas and Emily Ewing, In memory of my beloved parents Martin and Mitzi Marx
Judy Faitek
Edith Feldmann
Neil  Good
Ron and Alisha Greenspon, In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th anniversary
Saul Weiner and Suzanne Griffel
Patrick Halloran
Halloran Masonry Inc.
Nate Hartmann
Rochelle Jones
Jessica Katz, In memory of Janell Lillquist’s mother
Kehillat Shalom Jewish Congregation, Inc., In memory of Rachelle Roberts
Norman Levin
Edwin Linker
Curt Ayers MacRX
Judith Marohn
Daniel Melber
Kathleen Mendoza
Ed Mercuro, In memory of Patricia Rossi
Helen and David Muram, In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th wedding anniversary
Edward and Susan Nadler
Judith Parker
Jane Petkus, To thank Jean Kaplan for Deanne, who showed me your earrings which I’m wearing with pride
Philip Friedmann, In memory of Helenemarie Quick
Fredell Pogodin
Ralph Ruebner, In honor of Judith Wolf
Leonard Schrager,  In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th wedding anniversary
Richard Schwab
Harriet  Siegel
June Sochen, In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th wedding anniversary
Steven and Caryl Steinberg, In loving memory of our father, Marshall R. Lavin, on his yahrzheit (anniversary of his death).
Beth Ida Stern
Judith Becker Thomas
Walter S. Mander Foundation
Frank Wise
Ursula Wittert, In memory of Hilda Fleischhacker
The Selfhelp Home
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