
Celebrating Our July 2024 Donors

We are grateful for our community’s support!
Thank you to the following individuals, families and organizations who donated to The Selfhelp Home during July of 2024.
We appreciate your generosity…

Halloran Masonry Inc.
Adrian Howard, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Amy Brandfonbrener
Cameron Immesoete, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Craig and Kay Tuber
Dan Lerner, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Daniel Dantas, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
David Salm
Diane Tate, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Edwin Brady, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Emma Goldberg, In memory of Betty Goldberg
Frances Kraemer, In memory of Esther E Goodman
Gerrie and Ben Lewin, In memory of Shirley Homer
Jerry and Jan Wolf, In honor of Austin Hirsch
Joanne Schloss
John Heyde, In memory of Allan Jeffrey
John Hui, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Joyce Wandel, In memory of Al Hersch
Judith Parker
Justin Lubin, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
The Albert and Lucille Delighter and Marcella Winston Foundation
Kendall Alexander, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Lalita and Radha Jagadeesan, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Leah Whitesel, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Liz Lucas, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Melissa Bernstein, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Michael and Elaine Ries
Bernard Heerey Family Foundation
Peter and Anne Glaser
Philip Friedmann Family Charitable Trust
Richard Greenthal and Joel  Fink
Richard Stern, In Memory of William Gouldin
Richard Walsh, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Robin Levin, In memory of Dr Martin Sxanto
Selina Bailey, In memory of Alan Jeffrey
Stephen Nechtow, In memory of Ronald Potter
Steven and Sara Loevy
Steven AND Martha Loewenthal, In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch
Suzanne Griffel and Saul Weiner
William Bowen, In honor of the sixth floor nurses and staff

The Selfhelp Home
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