
Celebrating Our March 2024 Donors

We are grateful for our community’s support!
Thank you to the following individuals, families and organizations who donated to The Selfhelp Home during March of 2024.
We appreciate your generosity…

Peter Ascoli
Ethan and Elizabeth Bensinger
Susan Besson
CDI Construction Group
Commercial Window Installers, Inc.
Laura Carl
Harlene Ellin and Michael Cramer
James and Beverly Flynn In memory of Phyllis Eatman
Eugene Frank
Werner Frank
Andrea Friedman
Jo Reizner and James Gimpel
Joel Goldstein
Phyllis Goldstein In honor of Rey and Samantha Gonzalez’s new daughter
William Green In memory of Lillian Green
Saul Weiner and Suzanne Griffel
Anita Guerrero
Halloran Masonry Inc.
Judith Harelik
Norman Harelik
Tina and David Herpe
Alan Hobscheid In memory of Reiko Hobscheid
Alliant Insurance
Jessica Katz In honor of the two new Mikell babies|
Nancy Katz
Barbara Kaufmann In memory of Lorie Pelz
Kott Gerontology Institute
Howard and Glenda Kravitz
Steven and Martha Loewenthal
Judy Lohr-Safcik
Henry Lorsch
Mike Magliane
Margot Marx
Gerard Mayer In honor of Donna Mayer
Jeffrey   Messerer
Midwest Mechanical
Stephen Nechtow
Franklin Nussbaum In memory of Lori Wuckerrich
Judith Parker
Michael and Paula Perlstein
Stewart and Debra Reich
Dale Reiss
Cecilie Ries
Henry Rosenbaum In memory of Lore Rosenbaum and Charlotte Heinrilch
Joan Rossi
Joanne Schloss
Maida Snapper In memory of Max and Alice Gimpel
Ronnie Sokol
Jerome and Gail Taxy
Susan Kaplan and Uri Toch
Craig and Kay Tuber
Unity Hospice of Chicagoland
Maggie and Michael Wycklendt In honor of Austin and Beth Gomberg Hirsch’s 50th wedding anniversary
Jerrold and Carol Zar In memory of Marga Bachenheimer

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